A. The policy making organization of the Association shall be the REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL. The Representative Council, comprised of the members of the Association, derives its power from and shall be responsible to the membership.
B. The Representative Council shall be composed of the following active members:
- Board of Directors;
- Faculty Representative elected on the basis of one-person, one-vote;
- Committee chairpersons, ex officio non-voting;
- CTA State Council Representatives;
- Any member of the Association who holds CTA/NEA offices or committee appointments, ex officio non-voting.
C. The Representative Council shall:
- establish Association policies and objectives;
- adopt an annual budget of the Association at the last meeting of the school year and act on all expenses not provided for in the regular budget;
- approve the establishment or discontinuance of committees recommended by the Board of Directors and act upon committee appointments;
- recommend the dues of the organization according to Article 4, Section 1;
- approve original negotiation package;
- recommend or not recommend the negotiated tentative agreement to be presented for ratification;
- prepare own Standing Rules in accordance with these Bylaws;
- evaluate Association services according to the following formula:
- Representative Council members shall approve an evaluation committee at its January meeting;
- Evaluation Committee will present evaluation form at March Rep Council meeting;
- Representative Council members will review and complete evaluation forms and return them to the April meeting;
- results will be presented in written form at the May meeting;
- these findings will be presented to the Board of Directors and will be used in developing goals and objectives for the following school year.
- have final approval or disapproval of the recommendations of the PAGE committee on candidates and issues.
D. The Representative Council shall meet at least ten (10) times each school year, the number, place, and time of meetings to be decided by the Board of Directors with approval of the Representative Council.
E. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the President, the Board of Directors, petition of twenty percent (20%) of the membership, or majority vote of Representative Council members.
F. Special meetings of the Council shall be called for a specific purpose, and no business other than that for which the meeting is called may be transacted.
G. Notices and agendas for all regular meetings of the Council shall be sent to all members of the Council at least three (3) days prior to the date of the meeting.
H. For emergency meetings of the Representative Council during crisis situations, the Board of Directors shall adopt procedures to notify reps of meeting dates, places and times
I. A quorum for all meetings of the Council shall consist of the majority of all voting members of the Council, or a representation from a majority of the schools and special services departments.
J. The term of office for members of the Council shall be two (2) years, except SBTA Board of Directors whose terms are set by Article VIII of these Bylaws and CTA State Council members whose terms are set by CTA Bylaws.
K. SBTA Representative Council members shall be eligible for reelection.