- A. The Elections Committee shall be composed of at least four (4) members.
- B. The Elections Committee and Chairperson shall be appointed by the president and approved by the Board of Directors at the beginning of each school year.
- C. A member shall abstain from participation in Elections Committee activities during the period in which s/he or her/his immediate family member is a candidate, or the Election Committee member is involved in a candidate’s campaign/election.
- D. The Elections Committee is charged with ensuring that elections are conducted in a fair and impartial manner.
- A. SBT A shall ensure that an open nomination procedure is in place. The only qualification for office shall be Active membership in SBTA/CTA/NEA.
- B. Every Active member shall be assured of voting by secret ballot.
- C. There shall be at least a fifteen (15) day period between notice of election and the actual voting.
- D. There shall be an all Active member vote. A member who is off-track shall be sent election information by mail to his/her last known residence.
- E. SBTA shall provide means for all Active members to vote (including vote by mail), and it shall be the responsibility of the member to notify SBT A if s/he desires a ballot at a site other than the regularly scheduled voting place.
- F. An Active member shall acknowledge receipt of a ballot by signature on a registration sheet at the time of issuance of the ballot or on an envelope when returning the voted ballot. If a roster of Active members is prepared for a school site ahead of time, initials of the member may be accepted.
- A. The announcement of election shall include the offices, length of terms, and the election timeline.
- B. The announcement shall be publicized in a manner that ensures every member has an opportunity to file a declaration of candidacy.
- C. The SBTA General Elections shall coincide with any NEA/CTA elections held in the spring of each year. The exact dates of the election shall be determined by the Board of Directors in accordance with the NEA/CTA calendar and announced to the membership at least six (6) weeks prior to the elections. At this time, Standardized Declaration of Candidacy forms will be made available in all buildings.
- D. Schools on alternative calendars shall be considered when setting election timelines.
- E. The timeline for the election shall include dates for:
- Announcement of vacancy(ies) and term(s) of office using a method that will ensure each member is aware of the opportunity to file a declaration of candidacy;
- At least fifteen (15) calendar days between the announcement date of the vacancy(ies) and the date of the election;
- Time, date and place where declarations of candidacy are to be received, literature shall include information that such date is receipt date and not postmark date;
- Date for acknowledgment of declarations from candidate;
- Date when special issue of’ ‘News & Views” will be in buildings;
- Date for preparation of ballots;
- Date for distribution of sample ballots and resumes;
- Date on which ballots will be distributed;
- Date on which mail ballots wi1lleave SBT A office;
- Date(s) when voting will take place;
- Deadline date for requesting absentee ballot;
- Deadline date, time and place for return of ballots, including absentee ballots;
- Date, time and place where ballots will be counted;
- Date(s) that announcement of results will be made to leadership, candidates and members, and posted at each work site, which date shall be not later than five (5) calendar days following the counting of ballots;
- Dates and timelines for run-off election, if necessary; and
- Deadline for filing of challenges.
- A. SBTA monies received through dues, assessment or similar levy shall not be used to promote any candidate.
- B. A candidate may not accept direct contributions from a chapter’s treasury or indirect contributions in the form of use of a chapter’s assets, facilities, staff, equipment, mailings, good will and credit.
- C. A unit may not state or indicate its preference for a candidate in the unit’s publications.
- D. The official logo of SBTA or official Association title may not be used in a way that suggests that the candidate has the support of SBTA, CTA, or any of its affiliates.
- A. Privileges extended to one candidate shall be extended to all candidates.
- B. Each candidate shall receive a copy of the election timeline, procedures and guidelines.
- C. Each candidate shall have the right to receive a copy of the standing rules, election calendar, a list of the name and address of work sites and the number of Active members at each site for the purposes of campaigning.
- A. Ballots shall be distributed through each Council Rep to every Active member.
- B. Council Reps shall be provided with lists of members in their buildings who are eligible to vote. Each signature sheet (lists of members) will indicate which members will be sent a mail ballot.
- C. Only enough ballots for the membership minus the mail ballots will be distributed to the site representatives.
- D. The names of the candidates shall be printed on the ballot in CTA election alphabet order. The name of each candidate shall be as printed on the declaration of candidacy. When a candidate’s last name is hyphenated, the name before the hyphen shall be used for placement on the ballot.
- E. The ballot shall state the name of the office, the term, and the names of the candidates.
- F. The ballot shall include space for a write-in candidate, except in run-off elections.
- G. A Site Representative shall use the “challenge ballot procedure” when in doubt about the eligibility of a voter. The Election Committee will determine the legality of the challenge ballot at the time ballots are counted.
- H. Mail ballots shall be sent to SBT A members in the following categories: Adult Education, Adaptive Physical Education, Anderson School, Carmack and Harmon Schools, Categorical programs, Education Specialists, Elementary Music, Elementary Physical Education, Health Services, Independent Study, Middle College High School, Off-Track Teachers, Psychological Services, Speech and Hearing and Youth Services.
- I. The Election Committee shall provide separate ballots to each level for the Board of Directors.
- J. The Election Committee shall provide absentee mail ballots upon request by members who are on contractual leaves.
- A. Work Site
- A member shall acknowledge receipt of a ballot by signature on a signature sheet at the time of issuance of the ballot.
- The marked ballot must be returned to a designated site representative.
- Voting will occur on Monday through Friday of the designated week(s) with all voter roster/signature sheets and ballots due to the Elections Committee at the SBTA office by 5:00 p.m. on Friday of the last week.
- Active members who are off-track or on a dues paying leave shall be notified by mail in order to provide them an opportunity and right to vote.
- Sample ballots shall be posted on the SBTA Website at least seven (7) school days prior to the first day designated for voting.
- Each Council Rep shall appoint two (2) tellers to assist him/her in conducting the election in his/her building. The Council Rep shall then return to the Election Committee SBT A office in a sealed envelope the following: All marked and unmarked ballots.
- a. The number of returned ballots shall not exceed the number of signatures.
- b. Ballots should be returned to the designated Site Representative.
- c. Ballots should be returned to the Association in person if possible.
- B. Mail
- A list of current official members shall be prepared, which includes the following: name and home address.
- A determination shall be made prior to the election whether the ballots shall be sent to the school or to the home of the member.
- The voter shall be provided with:
- a. A ballot.
- b. Instructions on:
- i. Folding and placing of the ballot in the unsigned inner envelope;
- ii. Placing of the unsigned inner envelope into the outer envelope;
- iii. Signature and school on the outer envelope addressed to the chapter;
- iv. Deadline date for receipt of the voted ballot at the chapter office.
- c. A small envelope (inner envelope) in which to place the voted ballot
- d. A larger envelope (outer envelope) addressed to the chapter, on which the voter prints and signs his/her name under the printed name of the member on the return mailing label.
- e. The ballot shall be date stamped when it is received in the SBTA office and then put in a safe place until the votes are to be counted.
- f. At the time of counting, the names on the outer envelope shall be checked against the official list of voters.
- g. The name on the official list should be marked to show that the voter has returned a ballot.
- h. The outer envelopes shall then be opened and put in a separate stack for safekeeping.
- i. All inner envelopes shall be placed in a separate container.
- j. All inner envelopes shall be opened and the ballots removed from the envelopes, stacked and then counted.
- k. The Elections Committee shall prepare an SBTA Teller’s Report with the results of the mail ballot.
- l. SBTA shall arrange to have the results announced.
- A. Work Site
- VOTE REQUIREMENT All vote requirements shall be established in accordance with CTA guidelines. All elections shall be determined by a majority vote, unless otherwise specified. Write-in votes are valid and must be counted.
- A. A majority vote means more than half of the legal votes cast.
- B. A plurality vote means the largest number of votes to be given any candidate or issue.
- C. A two-thirds (2/3) vote means at least two-thirds of the legal votes cast.
- D. SBTA officers will be elected by a majority vote.
- E. State Council delegates will be elected by a majority vote.
- F. Run-off:
- If a candidate does not receive a majority vote, a run-off election shall be conducted among the candidates receiving the highest number of votes.
- The names on the ballot will be one (1) more than the number of vacancies to be filled. When there are only two candidates for an office, the candidate receiving the higher number of legal votes cast shall be declared elected.
- The run-off election shall be conducted within 20 school days of the tabulation of the ballots.
- Final elections and certification of votes shall be held prior to May 31.
- There shall be no provision for write-in candidates.
- G. NEA Local Delegates shall be determined by a plurality, which means the largest number of votes to be given a candidate. Results shall be sent to the CTA Governance Support Department and to the Service Center Council.
- H. SBTA Representative Council may chose to elect by acclamation all NEA Delegates if, following a period of open nominations, the number of candidates is equal to or less than the number of delegate positions to be filled.
- I. NEA State Delegates will be elected by a plurality vote. Successor delegates (alternates) are ranked in the order of votes received. Results must be sent to the Service Center Council, which will forward the results to CTA.
- J. For additional CTAINEA election guidelines refer to the official CTA Elections Manual.
- A. Each candidate may designate one representative, who may be the candidate, to observe the vote counting process. The observer shall not interfere with the work of the Elections Committee and must remain in the room where the vote count is taking place until the final vote is tabulated. Cell phones must be turned off during the counting of the ballots.
- B. The Elections Committee shall count the ballots, which should be immediately following the deadline for receipt of voted ballots.
- C. Blank and/or illegal ballots shall be set aside. Examples include the following:
- – More ballots than signatures;
- – Ballot(s) submitted after deadline;
- – Voter’s intent unclear;
- – Votes cast for more than number allowed;
- – Votes cast on unofficial ballot (probably reproduced);
- – Voting envelopes without a signature;
- – Names added to voter roster without consent of SBTA office and verified by Election Committee to be non-members.
- D. The Elections Committee should categorize each illegal ballot, make a determination on whether the vote(s) in that category should be counted separately, and make a note of the decision. The ballots should remain separate.
- E. If the illegal vote(s) would affect the outcome, the chairperson of the Elections Committee should report this to the unit president so that the appropriate governance body can decide how the ballots should be recorded.
- F. The Elections Committee will prepare the Teller’s Report, recording information on the total number of votes cast; the number needed to win/pass, the number of votes received by each candidate/issue and the number of blank and illegal ballots with an explanation of illegality, and signed by each Elections Committee member. A listing of school(s) whose ballots were set aside and not counted shall be included with an explanation of illegality.
- G. The Chairperson of the Elections Committee will deliver the report of the election results to the president. The election results shall be reported in the UPDATE as soon as possible following the election.
- H. The ballots and voter sign-up sheets shall be retained by the unit for one year after the election.
- A. Each candidate shall be allowed to have one (1) observer at the vote counting site and shall give the name of the observer to the Elections Committee before counting.
- B. An observer shall not interfere with the counting and shall stay in the counting area until the President or designee has been notified of the results and has notified each candidate of the results.
- A. A challenge cannot be initiated until after the results of the election have been reported in the UPDATE.
- B. Challenging party(ies) must notify the SBT A president of a challenge in writing within ten (10) days after the announcement of the results of the election.
- C. The notification must:
- specify which requirement has been violated;
- include evidence, insofar as possible;
- list names and addresses of parties who can give evidence.
- D. Within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of the challenge, the SBTA Elections Committee shall, in accordance with the its bylaws and standing rules, conduct an investigation and determine whether:
- The challenge alleges a violation of SBTA’s election requirement.
- The challenge is supported by appropriate documentation.
- More information is needed, in which case, the information will be obtained via the most feasible method.
- The alleged violation may have affected the outcome of the election.
- E. The Elections Committee shall submit a report including issues and recommendation, within the same 10 day period, to the SBT A President and the SBTA Board of Directors.
- F. The Board of Directors shall act on the report no later than 10 days following receipt of the written report of the elections committee in accordance with CTA Challenge Procedures as described in Appendix 0 -CTA Challenge Procedures -Local Elections of CTA Elections Manual. The Board of Directors must issue its findings in writing to the challenger.
- G. Any member of the SBTA Board who was a candidate on the ballot, or whose immediate family member is a candidate on the ballot, shall abstain from voting on the report. If in the case where the majority of the Board of Directors is unable to act on the challenge the decision shall move to the next highest decision making body according to the unit’s governance documents.
- H. If an individual wishes to appeal the decision of the unit’s governance body, he/she may file an appeal in writing within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the decision of the governance body to the CT A President. The appeal shall be the original challenge filed at the unit level, and shall include:
- Specifically which unit bylaw(s) and/or standing rule(s) have been violated
- Attached evidence of the violations, insofar as possible.
- List names and address of parties who can give evidence.
- Written response of unit’s governance body to original challenge.
- I. If an individual wishes to appeal the decision of the SBTA Board of Directors, or if the SBTA Board of Directors fails to act, he/she may file an appeal within ten (10) calendar days from the date of the filing of the challenge by writing to the CTA President.
- J. The challenge procedure for election of State Council Representatives and Alternates, and State or Local Delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly is outlined in the CTA Elections Manual.
- A. The President shall schedule special elections to fill a vacancy on the Board of Directors/CTA State Council of Education.
- B. A vacancy shall be declared by the Board upon receipt of a letter or resignation or proof that the Board member is not eligible to serve in that capacity.
- C. In the event a vacancy occurs before the 365th day of any Board member’s term, all members in good standing belonging to the same directorial district shall be notified of the vacancy.
- D. Standardized Declaration of Candidacy forms shall be returned to the SBTA office no later than ten (10) school days following the distribution of such forms
- E. Sample copies of the ballot, along with a short resume of the qualifications and experience of each candidate shall be available to all members at least seven (7) school days prior to the first day designated for voting posted on the SBTA website.
- F. In the event the vacancy occurs in a Board member’s term on or after the 365th day of that term, the President shall appoint a replacement from members of the same directorial district as the vacancy. This appointee shall serve until the end of the regular term.
- G. The length of the Board member’s term -seven hundred thirty (730) days shall be the determiner of whether a vacancy is filled by election or appointment.
- H. A newly elected or newly appointed Board member who will complete an unexpired term shall start from the day determined by the regular length of the term, not from the day of election or appointment.
- I. The responsibility for determining the number of days served by any Board member in anyone term shall be that of the Election Committee Chairperson.
- A. SBTA will provide space in a special issue of the ”News & Views,” printing a candidate’s passport size picture and article of no more than 100 words. This special issue of ”News & Views” shall be in the buildings no later than five (5) working days before the first day of voting. (Except in cases of Rep Council elections) The candidate must have his/her picture and candidate statement to the SBTA office on the same day and time as has been determined for the return of declaration of candidacy forms.
- B. The Rep Council meeting preceding all General Elections will provide time for candidates to speak. The Elections Committee will send a notice in the UPDATE to all members informing them that the candidates will be speaking.
- C. The Election Chairperson, or an appointed election committee member, will review the standing rules and election procedures with the Reps at the Rep Council meeting preceding a General Election.
- D. Privileges extended to one candidate shall be extended to all candidates.
- E. Upon the SBTA office receiving a candidacy form, all candidates will receive an election packet consisting of the standing rules, election calendar and any other relevant communication from the election committee.
- F. Reps who are candidates on a current ballot and have opposition should exclude themselves from conducting the election by appointing an alternate to handle all election materials.
- G. All activities including, but not necessarily limited to the wearing of buttons, distributing flyers, placing campaign materials in teachers’ boxes, giving speeches or otherwise engaging in any activity that can be reasonable construed as campaigning shall cease and desist between the first and last day of voting.
- H. Use of Association logos, whether SBTA, CTA and/or NEA, on campaign literature, website, or any other informational materials relating to an individual’s candidacy that could be construed as support of the SBTA, CTA and/or NEA shall be strictly forbidden.
- A. An Active member shall file a notice of the intent to circulate a petition with the chapter president by including a copy of the petition to be circulated, and the names of at least three persons supporting the proposed measure and responsible for its circulation.
- B. The SBTA President shall register the receipt of the notice of the intent to circulate, and acknowledge such registration in writing with the member filing the notice.
- C. The timeline for gathering signatures will commence the day that the notice of intent is registered. A maximum of fifteen (15) calendar days shall be permitted to obtain the signatures of at least 60% or more of the active membership. The petition shall contain the question proposed to be placed on the ballot.
- D. The circulators shall present to the SBTA President the petition(s) containing original signatures.
- E. The SBT A President shall have thirty (30) calendar days in which to verify the membership of the signers of the petition.
- F. If there are insufficient signatures, the petition circulator shall be notified within 3 calendar days, that the petition failed for a lack of signatures.
- G. The SBTA President shall cause a ballot to be furnished to the members no less than fifteen (15) calendar days after verification of membership, provided that the period that school is officially not in session shall not be included in this count
- H. Regular election procedures (e.g., election of officers) shall be followed including voting times.
- I. The proposal shall take effect immediately upon receipt of the required number of votes, unless otherwise specified.
- A. The Active membership shall have the authority to recall from office any person or persons having been elected thereto by the chapter’s Active members. A copy of a petition must be filed with the chairperson of the Elections Committee before it can be circulated.
- B. The petition must include the following information:
- name of individual who is the subject of the recall;
- office of individual;
- date of petition;
- name(s) of person(s) filing petition;
- names of at least three persons supporting the proposed recall and responsible for its circulation; and
- notation that “Each signature must be in ink”.
- C. Space must be provided for the printed name, signature, work site and date of signing for each name on the petition.
- D. Within fourteen (14) working days after receipt, the chairperson of the Elections Committee shall determine whether the petition contains the necessary information.
- E. If the petition does not contain the necessary information, the Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall so notify the petitioner(s).
- F. If the petition contains the necessary information, the Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall inform the petitioner(s) of the rules, procedures and timeline (beginning date and deadline for gathering of signatures), and the need for protection of due process rights of the parties.
- G. The Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall send written notification to the SBTA officer whose recall is being proposed and shall also notify the other officers of the unit. A copy of the petition shall be enclosed.
- H. Moneys from a SBTA’s treasury or indirect contributions in the form of use of a unit’s assets, facilities, staff, equipment, mailings, good will and credit, or in-kind services must not be used in the recall process.
- I. SBTA may not state or indicate its preference in its newspaper, newsletter or communications to its members.
- J. The timeline for gathering of signatures will commence the day after the chairperson of the Elections Committee meets with the petition circulator(s) and with the person who is the subject of the recall.
- K. A maximum of sixty(60) calendar days shall be permitted to obtain the signatures of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the unit members on the petition. The petition shall contain the question proposed to be placed on the ballot.
- L. The chairperson of the Elections Committee must receive the signed petitions by the specified deadline date.
- M. The Elections Committee shall have ten (10) working days after receipt of the petition to verify signatures.
- N. If there are insufficient signatures, the chairperson of the Elections Committee shall notify the petition circulator(s) by mail that the petition failed for a lack of signatures.
- O. Immediately upon verification of the signatures, the chairperson of the Elections Committee shall notify the president/designee of the fact that a recall has been initiated.
- P. The president shall arrange to have the recall election initiated within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of notification from the chairperson of the Elections Committee.
- Q. The election must be concluded within fifteen(15) calendar days of distribution of the ballots.
- R. The election must be conducted with provisions for a secret ballot and voter sign-up sheets.
- S. The election shall be conducted using SBTA’s Standing Rules where applicable.
- T. The Chairperson of the elections committee will deliver the report to the president of the unit who will immediately notify all interested parties of the election results. The election shall be reported in the UPDATE as soon as possible following the election.
- A. Any action or proposed action of the Representative Councilor the Board of Directors shall be referred to a vote of the membership upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Representative Council at any valid meeting.
- B. The referendum action shall prescribe the exact wording of the question to be posed to the membership on the ballot.
- C. The President shall cause a ballot to be furnished to the members no less than fifteen (15) calendar days after action by the Representative Council, provided that the period that school is officially not in session shall not be included in this count.
- D. Regular election procedures (e.g., election of officers) shall be followed including voting times.
- E. The proposal shall take effect immediately upon receipt of the required number of votes unless otherwise specified.
If any question arises that is not addressed by these Standing Rules, CTA’s rules and regulations on election procedures shall be followed until such time as the SBTA Board of Directors is able to remedy the absence of appropriate language or provision.