Appendix F: Standing Rules for Conferences & Trainings

March 8, 2024 SBTA Admin Account
  1. Reimbursement for Conferences and Trainings will be for SBTA members only.
  2. Members who cancel with less than seven-days notice will be responsible for all incurred costs.
    • Emergency circumstances will be considered by the SBTA Board of Directors for the purpose of excusal and/or dismissal of incurred costs.
  3. SBTA President (Must attend the following conferences or send a designee:)
    • CTA President’s Conference
    • NCUEA Fall & Summer Conferences
    • NEA Pacific Regional Conference
    • If budget permits, other officer(s) may attend with consideration of Association Days. May use President’s expense budget to attend other conferences. Accountability steps must be adhered – Section IX.
  4. Other Officers and Board Members
    • A. Each officer and Board of Director is allotted $500 / per fiscal year to attend any of the following conferences to further the goals of the Association.
      • CTA GLBT Conference
      • CTA Issues Conference
      • CTA Equity & Human Rights Conference
      • CTA Good Teaching Conference – South
      • NEA Pacific Regional Conference
      • CTA Region IV Conference
      • CTA (various) ethnic minority issues conferences
      • CTA State Council (meets four times a year)
      • Other conferences approved by the SBT A Board of Directors
      • May use Officer’s and Board of Director’s expense budgets to cover expenses over the $500 allotment and are limited by those expense budgets. Accountability steps must be adhered – Section IX
    • B. All expenditure reimbursement claims must be submitted to the Association Treasurer. The Treasurer shall submit such request for approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.
    • C. Payment to the board member shall be made on the first scheduled check distribution date following approval of his/her claim by the Board of Directors.
  5. SBTA Standing Committee Chairs and Committee Members
    • Committee attendees to conferences must use their committee budget in the interest of further enhancing the work of their respective committees .
    • IPD Committee may send the chair, members of the committee and other SBT A
      members to the CTA Good Teaching Conference – South.
    • New Member Committee may send the chair, members of the committee and
      other SBT A members to the CT A Good Teaching Conference – South.
    • Human Rights Committee may send the chair, members of the committee and other SBT A members to the CT A Equity & Human Rights Conference, CTA (various) ethnic minority issues conference, and CTA GLBT Conference.
    • Accountability steps must be adhered. – Section IX
  6. SBTA Standing Committees and SBTA appointees to District Committees
    • Upon approval of the President, Committee Chairs/Appointees or their designee may
      attend CTA Summer Institute or other specified trainings to further the goals of the
    • Participation in the work on/with the committee is required.
  7. Reps/Alternate Reps
    • May attend SBTA Fall Leadership Conference.
    • May attend San Gorgonio Service Center Council Fall Leadership Conference by approval of the President.
  8. Members
    • If not sent by a committee, may attend the following with approval of the President and consideration of SBTA budget:
      • San Gorgonio Service Center Council Fall Leadership Conference
      • San Gorgonio Service Center Council EMLD training
      • Any CTA Conference if budget allows
    • Priority consideration will be given to new members or members who have never previously attended.
    • Accountability steps must be adhered. – Section IX
  9. Accountability Steps
    • If attendance is to receive training in appointed committees (bargaining. elections, PAGE. grievance, communications). then work on/with the committee is required.
    • To attend a conference. individuals must register and pay for the conference in advance.
    • If attending a CTA conference for which professional growth hours are awarded, then a copy of the award letter from CTA must be attached to the expense form.
    • Attendees must provide one or more of the following upon completion of the conference:
      • Written report for the News & Views and/or SBTA Website
      • Oral report to Rep Councilor the Board of Director’ s meeting
      • Training session for members
      • Newsletter or Informational Flyer that would be sent to the general membership
      • Full participation on/with the work of the committee
    • Failure to adhere to these steps could result in one or all of the following as determined by the SBTA Board of Directors:
      • Conditional to non-reimbursement for expenses
      • Conditional to denied SBT A funding for future conferences
  10. Delegates Elected to CTA State Council
    • Delegates are paid by CTA for all expenses and must adhere to CTA ‘s rules for accountability.
    • Oral Report to Rep Council must be presented following each CTA State Council.
    • Written Reports for the News & Views and/or SBTA website.
    • Accounting of attendance and voting records may be provided to News & Views for publication.
  11. Delegates Elected to NEA Representative Assembly
    • Attendance is mandatory during any business or action on the floor of the California Caucus meetings and the Representative Assembly.
    • Attendance will be taken at all California Caucus meetings, during the Morning and Afternoon sessions of the Representative Assembly by an SBTA Officer.
    • State delegates are paid by CTA for all expenses and must also adhere to CTA ‘s rules for accountability.
    • Local Delegates must adhere to SBTA ‘s rules for accountability for the NEA RA:
      • Unexcused Absences will result in non-reimbursement of expenses for the day.
      • Absences will be determined to be excused by the SBT A Board of Directors.
      • Written Reports for the News & Views and/or SBTA website.
      • Accounting of attendance and voting records may be provided to News & Views for publication.